Not My Kid

Not My Kid is a 1985 television film directed by Michael Tuchner, which was based on a 1984 book of the same name by Beth Polson who also served as the films executive producer and Miller Newton. The movie aired on CBS in the United States, and had a VHS release both there and in the United Kingdom, with ITC handling distribution rights.

The next day, Frank and Helen tell Susan that it would be better if she went to a private school in order to get away for a while. Upon arrival at the school, however, Susan discovers that its really Dr. Royces aforementioned drug treatment program, where she is placed under the supervision of a fellow addict who has gotten far enough in her program to be trusted. One key requirement of both addicts in the program and their families is attending twiceweekly meetings, in which they confess the full extent of their drug use and their families have the opportunity to confront them about the effects their addiction has had on them. At the first meeting they attend, Helen is shocked to hear the story of a girl who injected heroin, prostituted herself for drug money and, with her boyfriends help, pulled an armed robbery of an allnight market. After they return home, she demands that Frank pull Susan from the program, but he refuses, insisting that this is a needed wakeup call for their daughter.Meanwhile, despite giving her testimony the following week which includes the shocking revelation that she had gotten pregnant while high, and that she and Ricky broke into houses to steal items to sell for money for her abortion, Susan remains hostile towards all efforts to get her to open up and share her feelings, and later runs away. Having no idea where his daughter might be, Frank finally receives a phone call from Ricky, who promises to turn her over to him in exchange for some liquid cocaine. Once there, Ricky attempts to play hardball, but Frank steadfastly refuses to hand over the drugs until he gets Susan back. Desperate for a fix, Ricky finally relents and leads Frank to his daughter Susan is angry and refuses to go back to the center, but Frank assures her that hes going to take her home. Afterwards, Ricky reminds Frank that he owes him something, to which Frank replies by telling him to have fun, and tosses the bag of drugs into a fire before Ricky can get his hands

Source: Wikipedia